If I ask a question, how many are interested to have a HTML5/CSS3 powered website; many of us would say YES. But how many of us can code a HTML5/CSS3 website from scratch? Probably few. Perkins is a new HTML5/CSS3 framework created by a group of designers and developers to get started with your next HTML5 project in no time. The best deal about Perkins was its stylesheets and mixins for common tasks such as creating navigation, rounded corners, gradients and much more.
There is another reason why I chose to write about Perkins amidst another HTML5 framework. If you download the framework, you get the typographic, buttons and there is also @font-face icon set included in it. So its very helpful for beginners to create HTML5 sites without much knowledge about it.
Perkins 1.1 is available for download from Google Code