Almost 95% of the blog has social share widgets to share the post on social networking websites. This case is not only for blog, but also for the websites. Now normally social share icons are added individually or using share widgets. The point is – all these social icons (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) has its own style of button. So in this post, I am going to talking about Sharrre a nifty jQuery plugin for creating your own social share widgets using PHP script.
What is Sharrre?
Sharrre is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create nice widgets sharing for Facebook,
Twitter, Google Plus (with PHP script) and more.
As I said previously with Sharrre you can create your own share icons for your blog or website. At the moment Sharrre has three sample social share widgets, so if your not interested in creating custom social share widgets, you can try any one of those on your blog or website.
Basic Documentation
$('#share').sharrre({ share: { googlePlus: true, facebook: true, twitter: true }, url: '' });
Check out the full documentation from